A prenuptial agreement, often called a ‘prenup’, is a written contract a couple can enter into before marriage or a civil union. It outlines the ownership of assets (money, property, etc.) and specifies what will happen to them in the event of a divorce or dissolution of the partnership. While prenups are commonly associated with the wealthy or those in the US, they are becoming more popular in the UK due to financial pressures and the rising cost of living.

In England and Wales, prenups are not legally binding, however, family courts do give them significant consideration when making financial decisions, provided they are drafted by a legal expert.

Creating a prenuptial agreement can be daunting due to the many factors involved. This is where we can assist.

It’s important to note that for a prenup to be effective in England and Wales, it must be signed at least 21 days before the wedding, be reasonable and up-to-date, and be drafted by a family lawyer. Both parties must also receive legal advice and provide full financial disclosure.

Our experienced lawyers can guide you through this process, whether you need a complex multi-million agreement or a simpler one covering property and inheritance for children.